Information Technology

The Information Technology  Pathway is focused primarily on careers that emphasize strong technical knowledge and skills.

  • Computer Service Technician
  • Cyber Security Specialist
  • Data Analyst
  • Hardware Engineer
  • IT Consultant
  • Multi Media Designer
  • Network Administrator
  • Programmer
  • Tech Support
  • Web Developer
Picture of IT Logo

Potential Career Opportunities 


Picture of Cyber Security Specialist working on computers
Cyber Security Specialists

Annual Salary: $75,000 - $128,000

MN Job Openings: Ten year growth--faster than average, Annual Openings--few openings

Responsible for providing security during the development stages of software systems, networks and data centers, search for vulnerabilities and risks in hardware and software, manage and monitor any attacks and intrusions, recognize the potential threat or attempted breach by closing off the security vulnerability, build firewalls into network infrastructures.

Picture of lady helping two people on a computer
IT Consultant

Annual Salary: $50,000 - $110,000

MN Job Openings: Ten year growth--much faster than average, Annual Openings--very high

Help staff and users solve computer problems, test and maintain computer programs and systems, talk with staff or clients to determine their computer needs, link different computer systems so information can be shared, train staff how to use computer systems, coordinate installation of new computer programs or hardware, write documentation about program and system procedures.

Lady programmer working on a computer

Annual Salary: $60,000 - $130,000

MN Job Openings: Ten year growth--declining, Annual Openings--moderate

Write, update, and maintain computer programs or software to do specific tasks, debug programs by testing them, making changes, and rechecking them until they run correctly, update, modify, and expand existing programs, study how a computer network responds to a program, work with computer users and analysts to find and fix program problems, work with computer manufacturers and users to develop new programming methods.