High School staff and students gathered around a National Native American Heritage Month banner
Students and staff filling the bleachers wearing Orange for Unity Day.
Students on stage listening to the Theatre Director.
Dr. Drone aerial photo of the High School building.
Detroit Lakes High School art students worked together over the first few days of school to create a large doodle drawing. The doodles were combined to create a 30ft masterpiece hanging in the hallway for all to enjoy. 

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News & Announcements

Project Explore Intern: Emily Prellwitz

Next up in our Project Explore Intern Spotlight is Emily, who is gaining hands-on experience at the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce! Emily has been hard at work learning office skills, helping to keep the office clean, and making valuable connections. Her enthusiasm and dedication shine in everything she does!

A huge thank you to the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce for welcoming Emily and providing her with an incredible opportunity to grow and gain real-world experience. Your support helps create a more inclusive and empowering community! We appreciate your willingness to work with Project Explore so much! Sails Up! 

Students touring the auto workshop at North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton.

Students from DLHS & DLALC went to the North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton. The morning consisted of a campus tour where they learned about the many programs they offer. In the afternoon, they attended a career fair with over 200 booths! Students played a bingo game while they visited booths and learned more about companies that employ NDSCS graduates. It was fun to see the students step out of their comfort zone and interact with professionals. 

Chief Hanson talking to  students.

DLHS students would like to give a big Thank You to DL Fire Chief Mike Hanson and two of his volunteer firefighters for hosting an exploring post at the fire station last night. The students learned how to become a fire and rescue professional and had the opportunity to suit up and use the "Jaws of Life" in an egg shuttle challenge. It was very educational and fun for the students. We are grateful to have such a competent and skilled fire department in Detroit Lakes.

Aiden Holt in front of the Middle School choir class.
Internship: Choral Education – Grades 6 thru 8
Location: Detroit Lakes Middle School
Mentor: Laura Schmitz Broderius 
Mentor’s Comments:
We are so lucky to have Aiden in our classroom! He is a positive person with his students, and he is so caring and patient with everyone.  He goes above and beyond to help out in all areas!  Aiden has performed for our classes several times and I am so proud of him for showing our choir students different genres of music!  
▪ Is kind and considerate to every student. 
▪ Is helpful and jumps in whenever we need him. 
▪ Has a positive attitude. 
▪ Is great at building relationships with students and staff.